How to download the files

If you have successfully signed in, you would see the files you received. You can download the files by clicking the filename.





Please click the filename to download the file.

Downloads remaining

You can download the file up to number of times.

If the remaining number of times is not displayed, there is no download limit.

Expires after

The file will be unpublished on this date.

If the date is not displayed, the file will never be unpublished.

Sign out

Click “Sign out” to sign out from this site.

By closing the browser without signing out, you could retain the authentication for a certain period of days.


If you see “File not found” message, check the causes and workarounds from below.

file not found



The files may not have been published by the sender.

  1. If you accessed this site right after you received the URL, please sign in again after a while.

  2. Or contact the sender.

You have not signed in with the email address that received the URL.

You need to sign in with the email address that received the URL. Click “Sign out” and sign in again.

The files may have expired or been deleted.

If you accessed the URL a few days after you received, please contact the sender to republish or resend the files.